Woodland Planting Design
Woodland planting
Many of the early flowers we see at this time of year are from plants that developed in woodland settings.
They flower early to take advantage the extra light coming through the canopy of the trees. If you have
some dappled shade cast by trees or large shrubs, use the plants below to create a naturalised theme in
which you can mix spring bulbs that naturalise well, such as Snowdrops, Narcissi and Anemone blanda.
Mertensia virginica loves these conditions and looks fantastic when grown in large drifts. Put in some volume
with Sarcococca confusa (Christmas Box, which has a delicious scent in January and February. Create a little
height with Digitalis (Foxglove) that flowers later and splash a little early colour by using Helleborus.
Add the bulb of your choice to a few of the gaps and enjoy the display every Spring.
1. Sarcococca confusa
2. Helleborus
3. Mertensia virginica
4. Digitalis purpurea or alba